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Eman Abdellatif

Passionate & dedicated leader | Digital payments & financial services expert


Dedicated and well-rounded digital payment and financial services expert with over 25 years of experience. Successfully created and implemented strategies in various e-payments and SMEs segments.


Significantly improved revenues in under-performing business areas in both Egyptian and GCC markets (UAE, Qatar). Worked in various key e-payments roles mostly in Network International, QNB Group, NSGB Group, Intesa San Paolo Group, American Express and Commercial International Bank. Starting e-payments business from scratch in different organisations reaching a remarkable market share.


Successfully established a plan to identify and grow strategic business development for unpenetrated segments including SMEs and B2B. First to launch QR Code as well as mPOS acceptance in the Middle East. Successfully developed a financial inclusion strategy providing access to financial services for small and micro enterprises as well as retailers. First to create and implement lending programme through scoring module in the middle east.


Greatest strengths are results, drive and leadership. Thrive on challenges, particularly those that expand the organisation’s reach. Granted several awards due to significant achievements including the Award of Excellence from MasterCard for the major contribution on e-payments business growth.

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